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What is a Stove Fan?

Just bought a brand new log burner? Or maybe you’ve got one installed but feel it could provide you with more potential? Either way, you might have heard about the invaluable investment of a stove fan. Read on to find out if it’s truly for you. 

As it says in our name, we’ll keep things simple. A stove fan, or log burner fan, is a small device that can sit atop a wood burning or multifuel stove to improve the circulation and distribution of the heat provided. Designed for a more consistent heat output. It will prevent any extreme temperature drops from one room to the next around your home.

Without the use of such a device, the heat produced will generally linger around the stove itself. Additionally, depending on where the stove sits, the heat can be lost to the chimney. Generally, these fans are freestanding and placed atop a stove for immediate use.

How do they work?

Whilst the log burner is firing, the heat rises from the surface of the stove through to the base of the device. This heat travels toward the Peltier module of the fan and generates thermoelectric energy. One side is keeping hot, the other is keeping cool. This creates voltage.

The voltage turns the motor and the blades, which circulate the heat throughout your room.

At just 50 °C (122°F), these fans begin work easily whilst the stove heats to its optimum temperature range.

The fan will circulate the heat horizontally outward, using the blades, rather than the heat rising only upward from the stove. With the aid of such a device, your stove efficiency will also be boosted.

Most log burner fans are designed to be as streamlined as possible, so as to not cause any motor noises whilst running. Log burner fans are self-powered and driven by the heat produced when the stove is in use. This means there is little to no sound when they’re running. 

Does it need batteries?

These fans are powered purely through the heat – no need for electric connection or batteries. Enjoy the lack of hassle of changing out batteries and let your stove do the work. Additionally, it will lessen the cost of heating throughout your home in the following months/years, as the heat circulated by the fan will spread around the vicinity of your stove rather than remaining in one spot.

Where to place the stove fan?

Generally, you position them on top of the flat surface of the stove, towards the back. If you have a pipe rising from the stove, then place it towards the back by the side of the pipe.

If the fan is brought forward too far, then this will prevent the full effect.

When the fan sits too close to the flue, it will become overly hot and again, the effects of the fan will be lost.
